19. Yohe, G., “Uncertainty, Global Climate and the Economic Value of Information”, Policy Sciences 24: 245-269, 1991.
20. Yohe, G., “The Cost of Not Holding Back the Sea – Towards a National Sample of Economic Vulnerability,” Coastal Management 18: 403-431, 1991.
21. Yohe, G., “Selecting ‘Interesting’ Scenarios with which to Analyze Policy Response to Potential Climate Change” Climate Research 1: 169-177, 1991.
22. Titus, J.G., Park, R.A., Leatherman, S.P., Weggel, J.R., Greene, M.S., Mausel, P.W., Brown, s., Gaunt, G., Threhan, M. and Yohe, G., “Greenhouse Effect and Sea Level Rise: the Cost of Holding Back the Sea”, Coastal Management 19: 171-204, 1991.
23. Yohe, G. and Malone, T. “Toward a General Methodology with Which to Evaluate the Social and Economic Impact of Global Change,” Global Environmental Change 3: 101-110, 1992.
24. Yohe, G., “Carbon Emissions Taxes: Their Comparative Advantage under Uncertainty,” Annual Review of Energy 17: 301-326, 1992.
25. Yohe, G., “Imbedding Dynamic Responses with Imperfect Information into Static Portraits of the Regional Impact of Climate Change” in Economic Issues in Global Climate Change (Reilly, J. and Anderson, M., eds), Westview Press, Oxford, 1992.
26. Yohe, G., “Equity and Efficiency in the Clinton Energy Tax: Some Early Thoughts from First Principles”, Energy Policy 21: 953-957, 1993.
27. Yohe, G. and *Garvey, B., “Incorporating Uncertainty and Nonlinearity into the Calculus of an Efficient Response to the Threat of Global Warming”, International Journal of Global Energy Issues 7: 34-47, 1995.
28. Yohe, G., Neumann, J. and Ameden, H., “Assessing the Economic Cost of Greenhouse Induced Sea Level Rise: Methods and Applications in Support of a National Survey”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29: S-78-S-97, 1995.
29. Yohe, G., Neumann, J., Marshall, P., and Ameden, H., “The Economic Cost of Greenhouse Induced Sea Level Rise in the United States”, Climatic Change 32: 387-410, 1996.
30. Yohe, G., and *Wallace, R. “Near Term Mitigation Policy for Global Change Under Uncertainty – Minimizing the Expected Cost of Meeting Unknown Concentration Thresholds”, Energy Modeling Assessment 1: 47-57, 1996, https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01874846.
31. Yohe, G., “Exercises in Hedging Against Extreme Consequences of Global Change and the Expected Value of Information” Global Environmental Change 6: 87-101, 1996.
32. Yohe, G. and Neumann, J., “Planning for Sea-level Rise and Shore Protection under Climate Uncertainty”, Climatic Change 37: 243-70, 1997.
33. Yohe, G., “Uncertainty, Short Term Hedging and the Tolerable Windows Approach” Global Environmental Change 7: 303-315, 1997, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0959-3780(97)00014-9. 1998
34. Yohe, G., and Cantor, R., “Economic Activity” in Human Choice and Climate Change, Volume 3 (Chapter 1), Battelle Press, Washington, 1998.
35. Yohe, G. and Schlesinger, M., “Sea Level Change: The Expected Economic Cost of Protection or Abandonment in the United States”, Climatic Change 38: 447-472, 1998.
36. Yohe, G., Malinowski, T., Yohe, M., “Fixing Global Emissions: Choosing the Best Target Year”, Energy Policy 26: 219-231, 1998.
37. Yohe, G., Neumann, J. and Marshall, P., “The Economic Damage Induced by Sea Level Rise in the United States” in The Impact of Climate Change on the United States Economy (Mendelsohn, R. and Neumann, J., eds), Cambridge University Press, 1999.
38. Yohe, G. and Schimmelpfennig, D., “Vulnerability of Agricultural Crops to Climate Change: A Practical Method of Indexing” in Global Environmental Change and Agriculture: Assessing the Impacts, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999.
39. Yohe, G., *Jacobsen, M., and *Gapotochenko, T., “Spanning ‘Not Implausible’ Futures to Assess Relative Vulnerability to Climate Change and Climate Variability”, Global Environmental Change 9: 233-249, 1999.
40. Yohe, G., “The Tolerable Window Approach – Lessons and Limitations”, Climatic Change 41: 283-295, 1999.
41. Yohe, G. and Dowlatabadi, H., “Risk and Uncertainties, Analysis and Evaluation: Lessons for Adaptation and Integration”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 4: 319-329, 1999.