122. Yohe, G., “Addressing Climate Change through a Risk Management Lens – An Overview of Analytic Approaches for Climate Change Based on a Deconstruction of Synthetic Conclusions of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”, in Assessing the Benefits of Avoided Climate Change: CostBenefit Analysis and Beyond. Proceedings of Workshop on Assessing the Benefits of Avoided Climate Change, Washington, DC, March 16‐17, 2009. Pew Center on Global Climate Change: Arlington, VA, 2010.
123. Yohe, G., “Evaluating Climate Risks in Coastal Zones”, in Issues of the Day: 100 Commentaries on Climate, Energy, the Environment, Transportation and Public Health Policy, Resources for the Future, 2010.
124. Yohe, G., “Reasons for Concern” (about Climate Change) in the United States”, Climatic Change 99: 295-302, 2010.
125. Mastrandrea, M., Field, C., Stocker, T., Edenhofer, O., Ebi, K., Frame, D., Held, H., Kriegler, E., Mach, K., Plattner, G-K., Yohe, G., Zwiers, F., “Guidance Notes for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties”, IPCC, 2010.
126. Yohe, G., “The Economics of Climate Change: An Editorial Essay”, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2010.
127. Blanford, G.J., Richels, R.G., Tol, R.S.J., and Yohe, G., “The Inappropriate Treatment of Climate Change in Copenhagen Consensus 2008””, Climate Change Economics 1: 135-140, 2010.
128. Yohe, G., “Risk Assessment and Risk Management for Infrastructure Planning and Investment”, The Bridge 40(3): 14-21, National Academy of Engineering, 2010.
129. Yohe, G., “Thoughts on 100 volumes of Climatic Change”, Climatic Change 100: 11-14 2010.
130. Rosegrant, M., Yohe, G., Ewing, M., Valmonte-Santos, R., Zhu, T., Burton, I., Huq, S., “Climate Change and Asian Agriculture”, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 7: 1-41, 2010. Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change, Report of the Panel on Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change, America’s Climate Choices, National Research Council, May 19, 2010.
131. Yohe, G., Review of The Global Deal by Lord Nicholas Stern, Journal of Economic Literature, 48: 781-786, 2010.
132. Yohe, G., “Risk Management and Climate Change”, Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, 2010.
133. Yohe, G. “Economics of Climate Change”, Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, 2010.
134. Yohe, G. with many others, Climate Stabilization Targets: Emissions, Concentrations, and Impacts Over Decades to Millennia, Report of the Committee on Climate Stabilization Targets for Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentrations, National Research Council, July 23, 2010.
135. Bowman, T., Maibach, E., Mann, M., Somerville, R., Seltser, B., Fischoff, B., Gardiner, S., Gould, R., Leiserowitz, and Yohe, G., “Time to Take Action on Climate Communication”, Science 330:1044, November 19, 2010.
136. Wei, D. and Yohe, G., “The Alternative Energy Race – Career Options for Engineers”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, News Public Policy, November 2, 2010, available online at http://www.asme.org/NewsPublic Policy/Newsletters/METoday/Articles/ Alernative Energy Race.cfm.
137. Yohe, G., “Thoughts on Addressing Short Term Pressing Needs in a Dynamic and Changing Climate”, World Resources Report 2011, December, 2010, http://www.wri.org/our-work/project/world-resources-report/thoughts-addressing-short-term-pressing-needs-dynamic-and.
138. Yohe, G., Knee, K. and Kirshen, P., “On the Economics of Coastal Adaptation Solutions in an Uncertain World”, Climatic Change 106: 71-92, 2011.
139. Rosenzweig, C., Solecki, W., Gornitz, V., Horton, R., Major, D., Yohe, G., Zimmerman, R., “Developing Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change in the New York City Infrastructure-shed: Process, Approach, Tools, and Strategies”, Climatic Change 106: 93-127, 2011.
140. Strzepek, K., Yohe, G., Neumann, J., and Boehlert, B., “Characterizing Changes in Drought Risk for the United States from Climate Change”, Environmental Research Letters 5 044012, 2011.
141. Yohe, G., “Economics: Opportunities from Uncertainties”, Nature Climate Change 1: 198-200, June 2011, https://www.nature.com/articles/nclimate1153.
142. Yohe, G. and Oppenheimer, M., “Evaluation, Characterization, and Communication of Uncertainty by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – An Introductory Essay”, Climatic Change 108: 629-639, 2011, 1.
143. Iverson, L.R., Matthews, S.N., Prasad, A.M., Peters, M.P., and Yohe, G.W., “Development of Risk Matrices for Evaluating Climatic Change Responses of Forested Habitats”, Climatic Change, 2012, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-012-0412-x .
144. Yohe, G. and Hope, C., “Some Thoughts on the Value Added from a New Round of Climate Change Damage Estimates,” Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0563-g, 2012.
145. Yohe, G., …. (as one of 39 authors), “1”, Wall Street Journal, February 1, 2012.
146. Poulos, H., Bannon, B. Issard, J., Stonebraker. P., Royer, D., Yohe, G., and Chernoff, B., “The World through an Interdisciplinary Lens”, American Association of University Professors,, September, 2012.
147. Yohe, G., “1”, The Conversation, October 29, 2012.
148. Yohe, G., “Republicans Trust Voter Modelling – Why Not Climate Modeling?”, The Conversation, November 12, 2012.